What We Can Do For You
Services and Benefits
Services and Benefits
With various equipment jobs of any size or shape can be tackled with mastication. Unless you have large quantity’s of trees 14 inch DBH (Diameter at Breast Hight) and greater, mastication can be considered the most efficient and cost effective method of treatment.
Prime Habitat is a mixture and balance. If you don’t have enough water or feed try removing some brush and trees. Being avid bowhunters ourselves we constantly look at opportunities to improve habitat during projects and have had great success to date.
If your a Rancher and have fence line to maintain you know the time and money it takes to repair and replace damaged fences. Let us remove the trees and brush so that you have access and reduced damage from falling trees and fires. Or if there are powerlines and overgrown, hazardous roads that need to be opened up!
Image indicates Canopy Cover For Montana AUM
10-Foot Spacing (≈ 60% canopy cover, 12 acres/AUM
20-Foot Spacing (≈ 20% canopy cover, 3 acres/AUM)
Most don’t know or think of it this way but we are in direct competition with trees for the most valuable resource on the planet.
Cotton Wood trees average 75-225 gallons of water used per day.
Conifers use an average of 25 gallons a day.
Russian Olive use 25-50 gallons
Cedar and Juniper are around 15-25 gallons
Sagebrush 1-2 gallons
If you had a stream run dry, check to see how much vegetation surrounds it. You will probably find quite a bit.
One of the most common comments that I hear from customers, is that they are amazed at where they can go on their property or that they have never even been to parts of their property before.
If you want walking or ATV trails then please call! Its one of my favorite things to do and highly gratifying work!
Thinning around trails already in place is also much safer, letting you and animals like snakes, bear and lions see you and you see them so that dangerous encounters don’t take place.